How To Fix “We Need More Info To Redeem” Error of Google Play Gift Card

We Need More Info To Redeem

This is how to fix How To Fix “We Need More Info To Redeem” Error of Google Play Gift Card today February 10, 2025. If you’re a regular user of the Google Play gift card, you’re not alone in experiencing some errors while trying to access your funds. I recall a time when I faced one of these errors; I was convinced I had lost the funds on my gift card. But then, a friend shared how to resolve these common errors, and I felt relieved to know I wasn’t the only one. 

Today, I want to share how you can fix one of the common errors of Google Play Gift Cards — We need more info to redeem.” Keep reading. 

Common Errors Of Google Play Gift Card

Here are some of the common errors of Google Play gift cards; 

  • Not Activated – Code Could Not Be Redeemed 

Whenever you encounter the error, “Not Activated—Code could not be redeemed,” it simply means your Google Play gift card needs full activation before you can redeem it. The solution is straightforward: visit the place where you purchased the card. You have the power to resolve this. 

  • You Have Already Used This Gift Card

The error “you have already used this gift card” simply means that the value of your gift card has already been redeemed. This could be because you or someone else has already used the card. However, if the value of the card is not visible in your balance, it could be a technical issue. In such cases, return it to the purchase store or contact Google support for further assistance. 

  • An Unexpected Error Has Occurred 

The “An unexpected error has occurred” is a common one that arises from a network glitch or a temporary issue with the Google Play system. You have no reason to worry, as Google or your poor connection often causes the issue. The solution is to try again. If the error message persists, you can contact Google support for help. 

  • We Need More Info To Redeem This Gift Card

The “We need more info to redeem this gift card” error, which often pops up when you’re trying to redeem your Google Play gift card, seems to be the most challenging for many. Well, the good news is that I will explain how to fix this error. 

How To Fix “We Need More Info To Redeem” Error Of Google Play Gift card 

There are two ways to fix this error; 

  1. Redeeming the Google Play gift card on your device 
  2. Contacting Google support for assistance

Redeeming the Google Play gift card on your device 

Here is a step-by-step process to redeem your Google Play gift card; 

  1. Open the Google Play Store app 
  2. Click on the icon at the top right corner of your mobile device 
  3. Click on “Payments and Subscriptions.” 
  4. Click on “Redeem gift code.”
  5. Enter your code 

The error is expected to clear. If it does not, you should consider the second method. 

Contacting Google 

To contact Google, you can contact support. The easier way to do this is to sign into your Google account. You will be directed to Google Play Help. Here, you will be required to fill out a form stating that your account was blocked. You will need important details like;

  1. A clear copy of the front and back images of your gift card 
  2. A clear copy of your receipt for the gift card 

If your gift card is digital, you can use a screenshot of Google Play digital gifts that shows;

  1. Retailer logo or name 
  2. Code 
  3. Date of purchase 
  4. Amount 

Fill out the form here


You can have a seamless experience with your Google Play gift card. Also, purchasing your gift card from a reliable source like Ridima, which is known for providing authentic and error-free gift cards, helps to reduce the possibility of an error and increases your chance of getting the professional assistance you need. Get your gift cards from Ridima today

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