How to Extract Text from Gift Cards Online?

Have you ever found yourself with a pile of gift cards from a networking event or conference, wondering how to digitize them without manually typing it all out? 

You can accomplish this task effortlessly. 


With the advancement of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology, extracting text from gift cards has become an easy task. 

Gone are the days of tedious typing & data entry! Now, you can easily extract text from gift cards online & save you precious time. 

In this article, we’ll show you how to extract text from gift cards online by using OCR tools. So, let’s dive in & learn how to accomplish this task.

Why extract text from gift cards online?

Before we dive into the steps of extracting text from gift cards online, let’s take a moment to understand why it is beneficial for people. 

  1. Efficiency & time-saving

If you manually write contact details from gift cards, you require a lot of time & patience. By using an online OCR tool to extract text from images, you can significantly speed up the process. The tool scans the document & extracts information from cards in seconds. 

And the best part?

This frees up your time for important tasks. 

  1. Accuracy & error reduction

Let’s face this reality: “Manual data entry is prone to errors.” 

A mistyped phone number or email address can lead to… communication mishaps. 

Online text extraction tools can accurately capture information from gift cards. This reduces the chances of mistakes & ensures that your contact details are correct.

  1. Organization & accessibility

You can easily organize & access digital contacts as compared to physical gift cards. Once you extract the information, you can easily integrate it into digital address books. 

This way, you can keep the information in one place & make it easily searchable & accessible from any device. 

  1. Space saving

Physical gift cards quickly clutter your desk or office space. When you digitize these cards, you can store your contact information in a digital format.

How cool it is!

This way, you can easily back up & secure your data. 

Steps to extract text from gift cards online

Now that you understand the benefits of extracting text from gift cards online, let us walk you through the steps of using an online tool to complete this task.

  1. Choose an online tool

There are several online OCR tools available to extract text from gift cards. Choose the one that is pretty simple & easy to navigate. A good tool only takes a few seconds to convert text from visiting tasks into editable text.

  1. Upload the gift cardimage

You chose the tool! Welcome. Now is the time to visit it & upload the image of your gift card. Make sure that the image is clear & well-knit. This will help you ensure accurate text extraction. 

The majority of online OCR tools have a simple upload process that lets you easily add gift cardimages. 

  1. Extract text

After uploading the image of the gift card, you need to wait for a while. The tool will automatically extract the text from the image, which only takes a couple of seconds. 

The extracted text will be displayed on the screen. Now, you can copy the extracted text & save it as per your needs.

Tips for effective text extraction

Want to know some tips & tricks to digitize address books? To get the best results when extracting text from gift cards online, consider the following tips:

  • Choose a high-quality image

You need to keep one thing in mind: “The best text extraction depends on the quality of images you upload.”

With that in mind, you need to make sure that the images of your gift card is clear, well-lit, & free of any shadows or obstructions. 

It would be best to use a high-resolution scanner & hold the card steady to avoid blurring. This way, you will be able to extract text with greater precision. 

  • Check for errors

Online tools are highly efficient! No doubt!

But they are not infallible. You should manually review & verify information after the text has been extracted. Correct all discrepancies to make sure that the phone numbers, email addresses, names, & other details are accurate. 

This is a very crucial step for maintaining the integrity of your contact information. 

  • Organize your contacts

When you’ve extracted text from several gift cards, take some time to organize & categorize your contacts. It would be best to create a systematic method for… sorting contacts.

You can categorize them into industry, client, partner, supplier, or any other relevant criteria. 

  • Regularly update & review extracted information

Most often, gift cards undergo changes in contact information, such as email addresses or phone numbers. With that in mind, you need to make it a habit of regularly reviewing & updating the extracted information in your digital address books.

This way, you can update the information & save time & effort in the long run.

By following these tips for effective text extraction for gift cards, you can streamline the process of entering contact information into your digital address book. WOW!
With the right OCR tools & techniques, you can save time & ensure the accuracy of your contact information. 


Extracting text from gift cards online is a simple way to digitize & manage your contacts. You can save time, reduce errors, & improve the organization of your contact information. 

Follow the steps outlined in this guide & utilize the tips provided to extract text from gift cards online. So, streamline your contact management process today with the available online tools. 

They not only save time but also minimize errors associated with the data entry process. 

So why wait now?

Embrace the technological advancements & boost your productivity in the digital age!

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